Canvas Print

$25.00 $12.50

Our Gallery Wrap Canvases are OBA-free (Optical Brightening Agent-free) and meet archival standards. We use one of the industry’s highest grade canvases with a weight of 450gsm. When combined with our choice of  varnish and pigment inks these prints are rated archival for up to 100 years.

Over 10 Years Experience

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Product Details

Canvas Print Details

Capture your most memorable moments and convert them into décor with our Canvas Prints. You receive your product ready-to-hang, we canvases are made from the highest quality. Canvas Prints are available in many sizes 8” x 10” to as large as 32” x 48”. Just upload your photos and order your Canvas Prints!

Our Detail

Our printing process and coding resistance will give you color and sharp details

Customize Your Canvas Edge

with our several different option to complete you Canvas Edge you can choose from black, white, image or mirror bleeds.



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